People & Pet Readings with Karla

I have had a thriving people & pet reading business for over 30 years. I charge $95.00 for a 60-minute reading and $53.00 for a 30-minute reading. You may use the time you have purchased in either 15, 30, 45, or 60-minute increments, depending on which package you have purchased.

Please feel free to email me at to book a reading time, for information about how to make a payment or with any questions you may have.

I give readings on pretty much anything you would like to know about … relationships of all kinds, romantic, family, friends, co-worker, career, finance, pets, past lives, your current life path, and your next step.

I have been clairvoyant since I was a little girl, and I have a unique reading style called sense-seeing where, with my physical eyes closed, I visually see and feel everything on a movie screen that I have mentally created and projected past my forehead, sort of like watching a movie of your life where I can see, feel, hear and listen to everything you would like information about.

I can also psychically call people into my movie screen that you might be interested in finding out more information about. I see them, hear them, talk to them intuitively, read their body language, feel what they are feeling and ask them questions. It’s like creating a virtual 3-way conversation between you, the person you are asking about, and myself. I’ve had many clients take advantage of this technique to talk to a romantic partner, to family members, friends or people they work with about things they may not feel comfortable talking about in person or face-to-face. Hence, I call it “Therapy in the Sky”.

The people you are asking about are not consciously aware we are talking to them or about them, but subconsciously they might sense something during the time we are having our reading. As a result of this, you might receive a text, a phone call or an email because they might all of the sudden think about you and reach out. It’s happened more times than I can count where I’ve been on the phone with a client and the person they were asking about would text or phone them right during the reading.

The benefit of this kind of telepathic virtual communication or “Therapy in the Sky” is to help you understand the person you are asking about better or to help yourself understand what your next step with them might be if you are unsure.

During a reading, I also connect with your higher self for guidance from the deeper, wiser part of you, as validation and direction on what you are involved in or creating now.

Please feel free to check out my testimonials page for people at

I read pets and animals exactly the same as I read people. I can talk to them, feel them, see them and hear them on my movie screen. Animals like to communicate in symbols, which are usually easy to read. They are generally less complicated and more straight-forward than humans are. I’ve have read many different kinds of animals and pets … cats, dogs, horses, fish (yes, I saved a client’s beta fish from dying and I am happy to report that as of this writing it is still alive), mice, lizards, snakes, and a wide variety of other animal breeds.

Please feel free to check out my testimonials page for pets at

Love and light,

Karla Christine